All About Safe Sleep

Safety and environment are the most important aspects of your child’s sleep and can make or break your child’s sleeping patterns. Sometimes all you need is a little fix! The following recommendations on safe sleep come from the American Academy of Pediatrics.


These are some preventative strategies that support your child’s wellness during sleep time. 

A is for ALONE:

Nothing should be in the crib but the baby including pillows, blankets, or stuffed animals. 

B is for BACK:

Lay children of up to 1 years of age on their backs when going to sleep. For babies with gastroesophageal reflux, remember that elevating their head in the crib is ineffective and not recommended. Once your baby is able to roll from back to tummy, they may stay in that sleep position, but continue to place them down on their backs when initially going to sleep.

C is for CRIB:

It is important that they have their own sleeping space and that the surface is labeled as a crib, bassinet, or playard (pack n’ play) to ensure safety standards are met and conform to the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) recommendations. It is important that the surface be firm with a fitted sheet. Various products may be used under supervision, such as swings, nests, and dock a tots (in bed co-sleepers), but are not for sleep time. Finally, make sure there’s no recall on the crib, bassinet, or pack n’ play!


What exactly is SIDS? Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, which is a form of SUIDS or Sudden Unexpected Infant Death Syndrome. SIDS occurs in children under 1 year of age, happens suddenly, and is still not completely understood. It may happen through suffocation, entrapment, infection, ingestion, or as a result of metabolic disease.

How can you decrease the risk? Following all recommended safe sleep practices highly reduces the risk of SUIDS.  Here are some recommended protective strategies: 

  • For the first 6 - 12 months, have the baby sleep in the same room as a parent or adult, making sure they are on a separate sleeping surface (not in the adult bed, a couch, chair, etc.). 

  • Offer pacifier and tummy time during the day and waking hours. 

  • Make sure your child receives recommended vaccinations.

  • Breastfeed, if possible.

  • Have a cool, consistent room temperature.

For more information on safe sleep for children and SIDS visit:


Make it safe, consistent, and conducive to sleep utilizing the following three elements: 


It is important that the room temperature remains between 68-72 degrees as this range mimics the body's natural temperature drop during sleep. If you are concerned that the baby will be cold try using a sleep sack. The Halo sleep comes highly recommended! 


Keeping the room dark helps the body produce melatonin, the sleepy hormone, and cues the child that it is time for sleep. Use black-out curtains to help keep the room dark. I recommend trying blackoutez curtains. It is also important to avoid night lights if you can. If you choose to use a night light make sure that it emits an amber color as blues and whites suppress melatonin.


Any outside noise can disrupt a child’s slumber, which is why I recommend a white noise machine, such as the Hatch. It is important that the sound level is not set too high and remains around 50 decibels. If you imagine what it sounds like in the shower, that is where you want it. Keep the machine on continuously through the night- it is intended to keep your baby asleep, not put your baby to sleep. And don’t fear! Sound machines are not habit-forming.

If you have set all these things in place and are still struggling with night wakings, early wakings, naps, or difficulty falling asleep, then check out my packages to find out how to work with me one-on-one. If you are unsure about which package is right for you, go ahead and set up a free 15-minute introductory call with me! 

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